Few things, that is, other than the woman you have been wanting to marry for some time saying "yes" when you ask her, even though the ring you've bought is too bloody big. But that's exactly what happened during our stay, making it - without a doubt - my favourite place in China!
Both before and after Lou and I became engaged, we spent our time here soaking up the magnificence of a region that is impassable by car, with mules carrying all the necessary provisions for the minority folk, from food and drink to bricks and glass windows, up the steep and narrow paths that lead from the road four miles or more below. We ate some of the freshest - and tastiest - food of the trip, and met some of the most amazing people. Even the bottom-clenchingly cold weather, and the presence of a colony of rats in the ceiling of one of the guest houses we stayed in, could not detract from a truly magical experience in a truly magical place.
A final, hair-raising bus journey later and I was back in Guilin (Grade A shit hole) for our train journey into the Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong, armed with a backpack that seemed heavier than ever, some wonderful memories of the mainland... and a fiance. Happy Days indeed.
Stay warm,
Luke and Louise
(Posted by Luke)