Arriving in New Zealand instantly resulted in a feeling of confusion. Having spent the last seven months travelling round distant and foreign lands, it was quite crazy to arrive in the most distant of all lands -in fact, the furtherest I've ever been from home - and feel like you are back into familiarity. Brand names like home; speaking English like home; TV shows like home; cars stopping at pedestrian crossings like home... and yet it's not home! This confusion resulted in me speaking in Spanish to a baffled imigration officer and Luke baffling car drivers with his strange pedestrian ways.
After 12 hours on a plane that appeared to be held together in places by black tape and string (after 7 hours in Buenos Aires airport waiting for the delayed said-plane and 22 hours on a bus from Patagonia) we were hoping for a pretty laid back and relaing time in Aukland. And in what better city to relax than this laid back metropolis? Aucklanders (and quite fankly Kiwis in general) are happy, friendly and so laid back they are barely standing. Walking through the financial district and high street in the city centre, I - being from London - expected to find people dashing around in suits, looking serious and slightly agitated, with a look that imediately reads "get out of my way, I'm rushing to do something very important." Instead you find people in shorts and flip flops, dawdling along without a care in the world.
Auckland isn't packed with touristy things to do, but is lovely to wander around. Drenched in sunshine and surrounded by sea it's an incredibly scenic city, complete with two harbours. Sitting as it does inside a ring of volcanoes it is also surrounded by majestic volcanic hills and islands.
A great introduction to New Zealand and all things Kiwi is the Auckland Museum. The highly aclaimed display on Maori artifacts and culture are brilliant, and give a newcomer to New Zealand a good overview of Maori life. There are also some really informative history sections covering New Zealand's history -both white and Maori. Unusual for me to say, but more fascinating still is the natural history sections which explains how and why New Zealand has such unique wildlife, and illustartes evocatively New Zealand's earthquakes and volcanoes. The museum itself is in a beautiful park and the walk from there to the skyscrapers is enjoyable.
Auckland is New Zealand's biggest and most vibrant and mutlicultural city. Ok its not New York or London or even Mebourne, but then it doesn't pretend to be. It's a great place for eating and drinking -I imagine it would be even better if you weren't on a tight backpacker budget. Due to its proximity to Asia it does have a prolifertion of good and cheap Thai, Vietnamese, Malayasian and other Asian food. Aukland, like the rest of New Zealand, also has great coffee and an array of great coffee shops. We stayed in Ponsonby which has a mouth-watering array of of cafes, bakeries and restaurants as well as a selection of beautiful, typically New Zealand, wooden houses.
The best thing about Auckland is its position as a vibrant city in touching distance of countryside, beaches and beautiful islands. Its good for the city lovers and outdoorsy types in one.
A must do in Auckland is to take a ferry either over to Davenport or to one of the many surrounding islands. Thanks to our lovely Kiwi host Jen we had a great day out on one of the less touristy and clearly underated islands (Tiritiri Matangi Island) with Jen, Richard and Nathan. Not only was Nathan lovely, he had a fantastic knowledge of native birds and a good eye for potting them -something Luke knew little to nothing about.
New Zealand has no native mammals and before the arrival of humans was a land of birds. It really was like the land that time forgot, with a variety of unique birds -many of which were flightless -the largest of which was the giant moas which were three and a half metres tall. Sadly, like other native birds moas are now extinct, due to hunting, destruction of habitats and the introduction of unnatural predators, like dogs, rats and possums to New Zealands. Many more of New Zealand's birds have become endangered for the same reasons including the famous kiwis. Being two remote islands, New Zealand has a very delicate and unique eco system which can be easily damaged by the introduction, not only of predators but even ants, fruit or soil -New Zealand has a constant battle to protect its natural habitats and its farming industry -hence its strict custom and excise on the importing of foods or soil.
Tiritiri Matangi island is a protected reserve which has only native trees and birds -no dogs, rats or even ants are allowed to travel to the island and visitors are asked to ensure their shoes and clothing is clean. As a result this tiny island has birds and wildlife you don't see anywhere else.
We had a great day on the island, enjoyed a picnic down on the beach, and topped the day off with a kiwi beer (as in a beer made in New Zealand -not with the fruit or the bird) on the quays looking out at the harbour. Could it get any better? How about a great Thai meal, New Zealand wine and fabulous Italian ice cream and tea back and Nathan and Deborah's.
A big thank you to Jen, Nathan, Deborah and Richard for a perfect Aukland day!
And what these four all have in common with other Kiwis we met later on our journey is their enthusiasim for New Zealand and all it has to offer. The really love their country and were bubbling with good ideas for a great road trip.
So having introduced us to the food, flora and fauna of New Zealand, as well as the very lovely Kiwi film Boy, Jen took us to pick up our spaceship campervan -a converted people carrier, loaded up with a DVD player, a fridge, cooking facilities and a very comfy bed.
And from there we headed North...

Until next time, stay warm!
Luke and Louise
Posted by Louise