After leaving Melbourne we had only a few weeks left in Australia, here's what we did:
A few weeks before leaving Melbourne we jetted over to Tasmania for a long weekend (with Jet Star, not the 'grounded for safety reasons' Tiger). To do it justice you probably need about three weeks but thanks to our fabulous friend, and excellent host, Frances we managed to get the most we could out of the little time we had on this action packed island.
First stop Saturday morning was the animal sanctuary to see Tasmanian Devils, who were cute, but strangely not very devilish -instead they seemed to be jogging quite amiably. More exciting still we got to feed kangaroos. Having beaten all the children to the sanctuary we were surrounded by very hungry kangaroos jumping and grabbing for food. From here we set out on a road trip across Tasmania, stopping in small towns and viewing beautiful countryside not dissimilar to Wales and reaching the amazing, snow-covered cradle mountain. We stayed overnight in the winter wonderland that is the national park, saw walabies, potoroos and quolls in the wild, and had a few local beers. In the morning we did a short trek around the lake made longer but all the more magical as we did it in snow and ice, and with hardly anyone else there. The views, despite the clouds, were picture postcard.
After our fantastic road trip we stayed with Frances in the Tasmanian capital Hobart, and had a day to explore this small but historic city. The cobbled streets around the harbour are quaint and some of the historic Victorian buildings are lovely but the real gem for Hobart visitors (other than the excellent pubs) was a trip to the MONA gallery. Newly opened it has a fantastically quirky collection of modern art from all different artists. You are issued with a Mona Ipad on arrival which not only provides you with information and background n each piece but allows you to vote love or hate for every piece. If that's not enough for you the winery and brewery on the same site are great and the ferry journey to the gallery is a good trip out in itself!
Upon finally departing Melbourne for good, we flew North to Sydney and caught a train up to the nearby small city of Newcastle to catch up with our friend and other South American travel companion Choppy. Choppy's family had kindly offered to put us up, but on arrival we were delighted- if not a little overwhelmed - by the warm welcome and hospitality we received from the Chapman family, from fine dinning in a local restaurant to delicious home barbecued shrimps we were greeted with! On top of that Choppy was an excellent guide and showed us round Newcastle. Newcastle has become a popular back backer destination and its easy to see why. Quiet and laid back compared to its noisy neighbour, Newcastle has a homely charm with some fantastic art deco architecture in the centre and fabulous beaches. We did promise that we would return the hospitality when the Chapman clan next hit Europe - and our offer still stands.
With our time in Australia growing short we embarked on a trail of some of Australia's greatest hits - and where better to start than in Australia's largest and most famous city. Compared to our many months in Melbourne we had only three days to get to know Sydney, and so obviously it's impossible to compare them fairly. Sydney is probably the better tourist city with its iconic harbour and opera house, the famous Bondi beach and an unbeatable walk across the harbour bridge. There are an array of 'must sees' in Sydney. Sydney is also famous for its good weather, and despite being winter it didn't disappoint with unseasonal sunny days and a late-summer vibe the whole time we were there.
Sydney centre is easy to walk around and has got really varied architecture which you can take in, in a few hours. The opera house was smaller than we expected but still impressive. Luke pointed out that a lot of the modern skyline in Sydney looks very brown and seventies "like an early episode of Columbo", but wandering around you find a few stunning buildings too. We loved the Botanic Gardens which are vast and beautiful and have glorious views out over the harbour. As well as a walk over the harbour bridge, if you haven't got the time or money to do a bridge climb climbing one of the bridges towers to see the view is really worth it. Other highlights were an evening eating in Chinatown and a few drinks in Sydney's oldest pub.
I think its fair to say that we weren't blown away by the historic rocks area. Perhaps like many things it was hyped up to better than it actually was or maybe we're just too British, but the history wasn't that exciting to us. Looking at Australia's oldest houses, Luke turned to me and said the house he grew up in Splott is not only older, but is actually nicer and better preserved.
Whilst architecture and history are perhaps not everyone's cup of tea, the location is the real highlight of Sydney and the scenery is breath taking. Taking the ferry to Manley was worth every second just to see this spectacular harbour, but our personal highlight was the 5km coastal walk we did to Bondi beach.
I read an article about Sydney when I first arrived in Australia (by an Aussie) which explained that Sydney was the best city in the world because it was like London but with good weather and beautiful beaches. I'd say it got two out of three right -beaches tick, weather tick, London not a patch.
Considering our time in Melbourne it would be unfair to compare Sydney with it but we did anyway, and in our very biased opinion Melbourne wins hands down. Sydney probably has more for the tourist, it definitely has the better beaches and the better weather. Its also brash and in your face and easily absorbed in a few days. Melbourne takes longer to love, but when you fall for her no other Aussie city is quite as good!
Journeying North to Brisbane
We could probably write a whole blog just on the overnight train journey we made from Sydney to Brisbane- of all the the crazy overnight train and bus journeys we've done, this one made me realise its often better when you can't understand what the locals are saying. Phrases like “Yeah I was just shooting up in the toilet,” So what you take to help you come down off a hit?” and “Do you want me to take him? I've just done six years for trying to kill a peadaphile and I don't mind doing it again.”
Sadly we have limited time to catch up our blog so I will just say our eventful night was spent in a carriage with two heroin addicts, an alcoholic Crocodile Dundee, two hyperactive children, an inattentive mother, a drunken alleged peadophile, some armed police, some very efficient staff and a few mentalists thrown in for good measure. The highlight of the night was a man being removed from the train in cuffs and wrestled to the ground on the platform. Warning to anyone planning on catching the train - the staff did act like this was normal.
Our trip from Brisbane to Cairns was by contrast very quiet and relaxed. We started off with a day in Brisbane – recovering and catching up with the ever lovely Scott Bewley. Brisbane is one of Australia's most liveable cities, with good bars and good weather. We did take a walk about but there is little for the discerning tourist to see. That said it is a great place to just hang out, have some beers and watch the world go by.
We had managed to get a relocation campervan which cost us only one Aussie dollar - on the proviso that we travel the 1700 km to Cairns in four days. As we didn't have time on our hands this deal was perfect for us, and we were delighted when we picked up our family sized van. As it was filthy, with a smashed window and a million kilometres on the clock, I'm glad I didn't pay more than a dollar, but our road trip was truly awesome. We didn't have much time for sight seeing but the scenery from rolling fields to sugar canes and from gorgeous beaches to tropical gorgeous beaches was, as ever stunning. It was nice as well to be able to stop wherever we wanted in some small bonkers towns away from the cities.
Cairns doesn't feel like a city at all, instead it seems like a rather dull but perfectly pleasant town. Our time here was made infinitely better by staying in Travellers Oasis, by far our favourite Australian hostel.
There is nothing to see or do in the city itself but the reason for coming here is to take a boat out to the great barrier reef. The great barrier reef was hyped up to us by close friends, work colleagues, random people we met in restaurants, every Australian travel guide and all the greatest wonders of the world books and sites and TV shows. There are some things in life where your expectations are so high that you feel they can only disappoint. I'd always wanted to go to the great barrier reef and having been in Australia for nearly six months by now it was difficult to keep my expectations down. Crazy really then, that it didn't disappoint us!
We took a day trip out to the outer reef with Passions of Paradise. The perfect day trip for unconfident swimmers as they take you to a calm sandy island where you can swim out to the reef from. I tried diving for the first time, and Luke (an unconfident swimmer at best) snorkelled right out over the reef with a waterproof camera.
And it was truly magical - the number of brightly coloured fish and coral you see, is unbelievable. Its hard to put into words how majestic and beautiful it is seeing this underwater world. It really is all you imagine and more! And its not often you can say that.
After seeing the great barrier reef we hired a car and drove up to Cape Tribulation. It seems incredibly repetitive to say the scenery was stunning, but this is the tropics where exoctic lush rainforests filled with brightly coloured birds and butterflies meet stunning smooth white sandy beaches. Throw in a bunch of bananas for under four dollars and some fantastic ice cream and it was a heavenly end to our time down under.
Til next time, stay warm,
Louise and Luke
(Posted by Louise)
I used to run a magazine called Stink of Shoe Polish when I was young, thin and vaguely interesting. This isn't that.
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
The Last Waltz
Australian Bananas,
Cape Tribulation,
mentalists on trains,
Tasmanian Devils,
the Great Barrier Reef
Friday, 23 September 2011
...As Heaven that you take me to. Life in Melbourne Part Two.
Bernie. In Simon's cube. On some chairs. |
It's fair to say that Melbourne is not a cheap place to drink, especially if you rock up with the ever dwindling Pound Sterling. It is however a fantastic place to drink, with a range of locally brewed beers on offer that really blow your mind – and in our case, the bottle-shop-running beer connoisseur Bernie to guide us through them all! Add to that several excellent wine growing regions in the area an you have the start of a good night. Throw in the food and good pubs already mentioned by Luke and Melbourne really is a great place to go out.
One of the best places for a night on the tiles are Smith and Brunswick Streets where not only are the good bars too numerous to list, but there is always some sort of live music, comedy or dancing to be found. Yah Yahs is a great place to for crazy dancing and our unbelievably messy last night out finished off in a random club with the ancient looking Northern Soul legend, DJ and Warrington native Vince Peach on the decks.
Luke, Dee and Vince Peach. 'Nuff said. |
surprising that we found so much time for trivia, but find time we did, with our team Quiz On My Ten Dollar Jugs (Aka BARRY). The aforementioned Great Northern pub has a decent quiz night on a Wednesday which we frequented, however our team and knowledge base was better to suited to the Sunday Night music quiz in the Empress - which we won several times. Our favourite quiz of all the quizzes, however, was Tuesday night in the Railway with Greg. The epitome of an old school quiz master, he gave us a few nudges in the right direction when we were simply too Anglo to cope with the Aussie rules questions (and before Crispi and Chris joined the team!). He also seemed genuinely sad to see us leave on our last night, and we were – the beer might have been pretty terrible, but the Railway was a bit of home away from home. Also worth a mention a a trivia alternative is the excellent Bogan Bingo (also on Wednesday nights) which is bingo with a distinctly bogan twist.
Looking back I can't remember how I found the time to work or save any money! (Louise)
The People
Though we lived in Australia for close on six months, we travelled relatively little. As such, I'm in no place to pass sweeping judgement on the nation's psyche, or pretend to have crawled under the skin on the Australian people. Having said that, there's no escaping the fact that – aided and abetted by a print and broadcast media that, with the honourable exception of ABC, SBS and The Age, are uniformly repugnant in their right-wing zealotry - quite a few Aussies have a beef with their indigenous peoples. And foreigners in general. And immigrants. And climate change. And Greenies. And 'scroungers'. And....
And though the locals might not have the unbeatably sunny chipperness of the Kiwis (which is not always a bad thing), they are a pretty welcoming bunch, usually keen to help new arrivals get the most out of their city. From the pubs – and quizzes – we frequented, to the local cafés and eateries, through to our local shops, we were made to feel like we we were not only welcome to stay a while, but would be welcome to make the place our home. To such an extent that, was we've already said, we very nearly did. (Luke)
Museums and Galleries
Melbourne could be described as the cultural capital of Australia, whilst it doesn't have as many tourist hotspots as Sydney it does have a great selection of galleries and museums - many of which we didn't fit in during our five months there.
The Melbourne museum had a rather overpriced Tutankhamen exhibit on whilst we were in Melbourne which we skipped in favour of its better permanent displays. It has a great outdoors section on Victorian natural history, a fantastic history of the city and a truly brilliant section on Aboriginal art and history. Less interesting for Brits is an entire display on a famous horse, and an obsession with excavating “really old” ruins from as far back as 150 years ago.
The Immigration museum gives a fantastic history of the development of Australia through immigration and its immigration policy - still very much a hot topic in Australia today. It described the multicultural city that Melbourne was even a hundred years ago, and outlined the shocking All White Australia policy that even the Australian Labor party held until the mid seventies. Fun can be had trying out the different boat cabins from different eras, but the highlight for was trying your hand at being an immigration officer, where you get to decide whether someone should be given right to remain. Whilst taking a neutral stand on modern day immigration policy the museum does subtly point out that (aside from the Aboriginal communities) the majority of Australians today are themselves descendants of the dreaded boat people.
The Melbourne Jail is well worth a visit, Though full ticket prices are very expensive. With your ticket you can visit both the original Victorian jail and the more modern jail which only stopped functioning 1990s. The jail provides an insight into Australia's much loved (by tourists as much as Australians) history of criminality. The jail is particularly popular because national hero and folklore legend Ned Kelly was imprisoned and eventually executed here. What great cause did he champion that makes him still so popular with Australians today? Well as far as I can tell, thieving, mainly.
The modern Federation Square in the centre of Melbourne is a good place to start if you like museums and galleries. Opposite the main Flinders Street Station, with several cafes, restaurants and the tourist office, all the trams stop here and its always busy. It has a good vibe and hosts many of the many festivals, showing how good a new build square can be when you get it right.
Melbourne is a wash with galleries with something for everyone's tastes. Personal highlights included the Ian Potter Gallery, the National Gallery of Victoria, and a great temporary art exhibition made from Lego.
Working in Melbourne
While Lou coasted through her working life in Melbourne – found a job early on, never loved it or hated it, end of story – my employment history was a little more varied. My first job, making fresh pastas and sauces for a bunch of right shithouses in Carlton North, was an utter nightmare that makes me shudder to this day. Second gig with a portly, constantly wired but very lovely Croatian-Australian and his fledgeling ad agency was amusing enough, though it was pretty clear that he was paying me from his overdraft and I'd already tired of writing articles about stainless-steel work surfaces and industrial chest freezers.
Melbourne - and St Kilda - icon, Luna Park |
![]() |
St Kilda Town Hall, and CoPP HQ. |
Our friends
But for both of us, the real highlight of our time in town was the great group of people that we shared it with.
Team Barry, combining brains and wit with indisputable sex appeal. |
And last, but by no means least - always there with a comforting hug on those long lonely, job hunting days -Greystoke. We salute you all!
So bye bye Melbourne - hello the end of Oz.
Stay warm,
Luke and Louise
Tuesday, 13 September 2011
If Paradise is half as nice … Life in Melbourne Part One
Much is made – by both wanky residents and even wankier travel writers – about Melbourne's 'liveability'. Indeed, only a few weeks ago, it was named the most liveable city in the world by the annual Global Livability Survey, and as it was on the BBC, it must be true. And though we've stayed in bigger, more visceral, sweeter, more exciting and some downright more intoxicating cities during our travels, Melbourne was – with the brief exception of beautiful Buenos Aires – the only place we really called home. In short, we fell utterly, giddily and a little embarrassingly in love with Melbourne. And to honour that fact, here is our Top Ten utterly subjective, highly selective and quite possibly factually inaccurate reasons why we almost moved to the land Down Under. (Luke)
1. Winners and Losers
Straight in at Number One is this Melbourne-based drama of sweeping, Pinter-esque proportions, a beautifully scripted and hard hitting slice of... okay, okay. I lie. It's a painfully contrived, terribly acted slice of utter arse, broadcast weekly on Channel Seven. We loved it – and are still in pieces about missing the season finale. Reason enough to apply for residency – Google it now, and never look back. (Luke)
2. Food
Breaking with the habit of a lifetime, I didn't put food at the top of the list. But truth be told I should have, as Melbourne is without a doubt the most fabulously foodie city we've visited. It is a challenge in itself to find a bad meal in the city, but as my amusing new body shape is testament to, it's a challenge I took up with gusto. And them some.
Ably aided and abetted by Bernie and Dee – possibly the only two people in the world who enjoy eating out as well and regularly as us – we took in a dizzying array of pubs, cafés and restaurants, serving everything from Thai to steaks, with at least half a dozen Chicken Parmigianas in between. (For the record, the finest specimen of this wonderful Aussie staple can be found at our local boozer – The Great Northern on Rathdowne Street, Carlton North.) But where else to recommend? For starters, head to the suburbs for the best grub. The CBD has a few gems – Post Deng Cafe in China Town for a bargain lunch, and Cookie for some Thai with a twist in a fantastic setting – but the real actions lies elsewhere.
For some classic, and classy, French fayre with amusingly surly service, Madam Sousou on Brunswick Street, Fitzroy is hard to beat, with a nifty Euro wine list to boot. Markov Place, again in our Carlton North stomping ground, is well worth a visit for some top notch modern dishes with a Spanish / South American flavour. Book ahead a push through the over-filled bar area at the front and bag a table in the huge, welcoming space out back. The wine list has a few top-notch Argentinians, the bubbles are not too pricey and the lamb sublime – as is the chocolate fondants that the kitchen knocks out at an alarming speed and quality.
Honourable mention also to Residential Kitchen on the Carlton North stretch of Lygon Street. Good breakfasts for a lazy Saturday morning, but their Sunday roasts are the real winner, complete with home-made horseradish sauce and a desert tasting platter that you can't help but finish. Lastly – and this list really is appallingly brief – are the cafes that line suburban streets across the city, though – surprise, surprise – we were most au fait with our locals in Carlton North. At a pinch, I'd say that Black Ruby on Rathdowne Street kicked out the finest breakfast brunch I've ever seen – and let's not shit ourselves, that's quite a few. (Luke)
Festivals and Events
What ever the day, week or month there is always something going on in Melbourne. The first day we arrived we couldn't catch the tram we needed as a Greek festival dominated the Greek quarter of the city centre with dancing, kebabs and baklava. You can make the mistake on arrival in Melbourne of thinking you've been pretty lucky to get there the same weekend a festival or event is taking place - what you soon realise is its difficult to find a weekend when there isn't. During our time there, there was the Australian Grand Prix, a food and drink festival, a magic festival, a jazz festival, an architecture festival and a beer festival to name just a few. The main difficulty living in Melbourne is trying to fit in everything you want to!
We particularly enjoyed several evenings at the comedy festival, which runs through out March and is the Southern Hemisphere's biggest.
Another memorable day out was the charity Aussie rules football, a massive fundraising effort for local charities organised by PBS and Triple J radio stations. Melbourne's leading alternative radio station, PBS is funded purely by donations and the breakfast show is also hosted by the lovely Crispi, a good mate of ours. A good day was had by all, Luke and I got to see an Aussie football match, and after the match we were able to run on to the pitch and play ball! (LM)
Hidden fun and the Suburbs
Melbourne CBD (or city centre) is relatively small as city centres go, but it certainly packs a lot in – a couple of universities, a state parliament, China town, the Greek quarter, an array of shopping centres, some gorgeous victorian architecture and the financial district to name a few. It is however, at first glance a little disappointing.
More disappointing still was our first Saturday night. Everyone had told us that Melbourne is great for going out in. We thought its Saturday night, we've arrived in the most expensive place on our trip so far, and have no money. So hey - let's go drinking! Which we would have, if we'd been able to find a pub worth going to. We ended up with a take out beer on our hotel roof, pondering the question “just where is Melbourne's famed nightlife to be found?”
We discovered the anwer on meeting my old work colleague and now Melbourne residents, Chris and Pauline for a drink in the CBD a few weeks later. And the answer is “hidden”. The directions to any good bar in the CBD always involve at least one of the following sentences:
“Once you get the corner of that street turn down the second alleyway on the right”.
“You jut need to walk up three flights of stairs and the entrance is up there.”
“ If you get to … you've probably missed it.”
“Its got a green door, but there's no sign and it'll probably look closed even if it isn't.”
“If you didn't know it was there you wouldn't see it.”
It made me think of prohibition. It's a bit baffling at first but endearing in the end and contrasts to the brashness of places like Sydney. It's like being let in to a secret.
The real action however happens not in the CBD but in the suburbs...
Toorak was where we spent the majority of our first few weeks in Melbourne. South of the river, this quiet plush neighbourhood holds some great examples of Melbourne's typical victorian houses, covered in Art Nouveau style wrought iron. You can loose yourself for a few hours in the park and botanical gardens which stretch from here to the CBD. You an also while away a few hours wondering from here to Prahan where you find a fantastic array of op shops (charity shops) and Prahan's great, though absurdly overpriced, foody market.
St Kilda is a famous backpacker haven only twenty minutes south of the river and on the beach, home to hostels, bars and an iconic fairground. To be honest we found it rather quiet when we stayed their midweek, and if anything its a little seedy and grubby, but the little pier made it worth a walk about. St Kilda is however home to two Melbourne greats - the fabulous South Melbourne Market …. and SBS's Rockwiz.
Brighton is further out and posher than St Kilda, but also on the coast. The beaches here are lovely on a sunny day and its home to an array of fancy cafes. It is famous for its picture perfect, brightly coloured beach houses.
Richmond hosts many of Melbourne's Vietnamese and Thai communities, and as such has a dearth of great restaurants with some of the best South East Asian food outside of South East Asia. I'm sure there is a lot more to this lovely Eastern suburb, but we went there for the food (I know unusual for us).
Fitzroy and Collingwood are clearly the coolest suburbs in Melbourne, and host the best nightlife. Smith Street and Brunswick streets have a grungy edge to them, and great pubs on every corner. This is also the place to get your ultimate op shop bargins – its all about the vintage in this part of Melbourne.
Carlton, home to Melbourne's Italian community, is rich with gelati, pizzerias and tales of the Mafia. Lygon Street I the many drag here and whilst many of the Italian restaurants on this stretch kick out below average Italian food (and I'm told some are still home to Mafioso), the atmosphere and the coffee are fab all the same. It is also home to Melbourne university and Melbourne museum.
Carlton North (Rathdowne Village) was by far our favourite suburb, but of course we our biased, was our home for our time in Melbourne. A stretch of quiet, leafy roads with typically Melbourne victorian houses decorated in intricated wood and wrought iron fronted shops. This area is swimming in great cafes, great pubs and great people. The “village” also has an excellent post office and library! (LM)
5. Being in touching distance of glorious scenery
Its almost impossible to fit five months of greatest hits into two blogs. Even more so if you spend much of that time boring people with all the food you liked to eat and places to hang out in. So I will try to keep this brief in an attempt to bring our blog up to date.
Melbourne is clearly a fantastic city to hang out in – but its also located in spitting distance of some real magic. Here is a list of our favourite trips out. We'll let the pictures do the talking...
Puffing Billy and the Dandenongs
We took a Easter trip out to the Dandenong mountain ranges, as well as enjoying the countryside you can get there by the Puffing Billy Steam train.

The Yarra Valley and the Wineries
The Yarra Valley is one of the most scenic localities near Melbourne made all the better as a day trip by its selection of world class wineries. We had a magic and fantastic trip round a good few of these wineries (and having a good few glasses of wine) with Chris and Pauline one lovely Sunday. We also fit in a trip to a gallery!

Healesville and Healesville Sanctuary
Healesville is the main town in the Yarra Valley and it is a lovely day trip in itself. We did two trips there. Once, by public transport, to eat and be merry with Bernie and Dee in the local pub and in Giant Steps winery, and a second time to visit the amazing Healesville animal sanctuary.

Philip Island
We stayed overnight on the lovely Philip Island for Luke's birthday, which is famous for its little penguins. The trip highlights for us however, was seeing koalas for the first time in the koala reservation and seeing an echidna in the wild!

The Great Ocean Road
Back on the road in a campervan, we drove down the great ocean road in Victoria's winter bank holiday weekend and enjoyed the breath taking and rugged coastline. Highlights of the weekend included seeing koalas and kangaroos in the wild and seeing a particularly famous light house.
Ramsey Street
No stay in Melbourne is complete without a visit to the one and only Ramsey Street. Not only can you get your picture taken in the street where Charlene, Scott, Lou and Harold (to name but a few) have all stood, but you can film your own scenes from the street! Watch this space for our Oscar winning attempts! (LM)
Until next time, stay warm,
Luke and Louise
Posted by Louise and Luke.
1. Winners and Losers
Straight in at Number One is this Melbourne-based drama of sweeping, Pinter-esque proportions, a beautifully scripted and hard hitting slice of... okay, okay. I lie. It's a painfully contrived, terribly acted slice of utter arse, broadcast weekly on Channel Seven. We loved it – and are still in pieces about missing the season finale. Reason enough to apply for residency – Google it now, and never look back. (Luke)
2. Food
Breaking with the habit of a lifetime, I didn't put food at the top of the list. But truth be told I should have, as Melbourne is without a doubt the most fabulously foodie city we've visited. It is a challenge in itself to find a bad meal in the city, but as my amusing new body shape is testament to, it's a challenge I took up with gusto. And them some.
Ably aided and abetted by Bernie and Dee – possibly the only two people in the world who enjoy eating out as well and regularly as us – we took in a dizzying array of pubs, cafés and restaurants, serving everything from Thai to steaks, with at least half a dozen Chicken Parmigianas in between. (For the record, the finest specimen of this wonderful Aussie staple can be found at our local boozer – The Great Northern on Rathdowne Street, Carlton North.) But where else to recommend? For starters, head to the suburbs for the best grub. The CBD has a few gems – Post Deng Cafe in China Town for a bargain lunch, and Cookie for some Thai with a twist in a fantastic setting – but the real actions lies elsewhere.
For some classic, and classy, French fayre with amusingly surly service, Madam Sousou on Brunswick Street, Fitzroy is hard to beat, with a nifty Euro wine list to boot. Markov Place, again in our Carlton North stomping ground, is well worth a visit for some top notch modern dishes with a Spanish / South American flavour. Book ahead a push through the over-filled bar area at the front and bag a table in the huge, welcoming space out back. The wine list has a few top-notch Argentinians, the bubbles are not too pricey and the lamb sublime – as is the chocolate fondants that the kitchen knocks out at an alarming speed and quality.
Honourable mention also to Residential Kitchen on the Carlton North stretch of Lygon Street. Good breakfasts for a lazy Saturday morning, but their Sunday roasts are the real winner, complete with home-made horseradish sauce and a desert tasting platter that you can't help but finish. Lastly – and this list really is appallingly brief – are the cafes that line suburban streets across the city, though – surprise, surprise – we were most au fait with our locals in Carlton North. At a pinch, I'd say that Black Ruby on Rathdowne Street kicked out the finest breakfast brunch I've ever seen – and let's not shit ourselves, that's quite a few. (Luke)
Festivals and Events
What ever the day, week or month there is always something going on in Melbourne. The first day we arrived we couldn't catch the tram we needed as a Greek festival dominated the Greek quarter of the city centre with dancing, kebabs and baklava. You can make the mistake on arrival in Melbourne of thinking you've been pretty lucky to get there the same weekend a festival or event is taking place - what you soon realise is its difficult to find a weekend when there isn't. During our time there, there was the Australian Grand Prix, a food and drink festival, a magic festival, a jazz festival, an architecture festival and a beer festival to name just a few. The main difficulty living in Melbourne is trying to fit in everything you want to!
We particularly enjoyed several evenings at the comedy festival, which runs through out March and is the Southern Hemisphere's biggest.
Another memorable day out was the charity Aussie rules football, a massive fundraising effort for local charities organised by PBS and Triple J radio stations. Melbourne's leading alternative radio station, PBS is funded purely by donations and the breakfast show is also hosted by the lovely Crispi, a good mate of ours. A good day was had by all, Luke and I got to see an Aussie football match, and after the match we were able to run on to the pitch and play ball! (LM)
Hidden fun and the Suburbs
Melbourne CBD (or city centre) is relatively small as city centres go, but it certainly packs a lot in – a couple of universities, a state parliament, China town, the Greek quarter, an array of shopping centres, some gorgeous victorian architecture and the financial district to name a few. It is however, at first glance a little disappointing.
More disappointing still was our first Saturday night. Everyone had told us that Melbourne is great for going out in. We thought its Saturday night, we've arrived in the most expensive place on our trip so far, and have no money. So hey - let's go drinking! Which we would have, if we'd been able to find a pub worth going to. We ended up with a take out beer on our hotel roof, pondering the question “just where is Melbourne's famed nightlife to be found?”
We discovered the anwer on meeting my old work colleague and now Melbourne residents, Chris and Pauline for a drink in the CBD a few weeks later. And the answer is “hidden”. The directions to any good bar in the CBD always involve at least one of the following sentences:
“Once you get the corner of that street turn down the second alleyway on the right”.
“You jut need to walk up three flights of stairs and the entrance is up there.”
“ If you get to … you've probably missed it.”
“Its got a green door, but there's no sign and it'll probably look closed even if it isn't.”
“If you didn't know it was there you wouldn't see it.”
It made me think of prohibition. It's a bit baffling at first but endearing in the end and contrasts to the brashness of places like Sydney. It's like being let in to a secret.
The real action however happens not in the CBD but in the suburbs...
Toorak was where we spent the majority of our first few weeks in Melbourne. South of the river, this quiet plush neighbourhood holds some great examples of Melbourne's typical victorian houses, covered in Art Nouveau style wrought iron. You can loose yourself for a few hours in the park and botanical gardens which stretch from here to the CBD. You an also while away a few hours wondering from here to Prahan where you find a fantastic array of op shops (charity shops) and Prahan's great, though absurdly overpriced, foody market.
St Kilda is a famous backpacker haven only twenty minutes south of the river and on the beach, home to hostels, bars and an iconic fairground. To be honest we found it rather quiet when we stayed their midweek, and if anything its a little seedy and grubby, but the little pier made it worth a walk about. St Kilda is however home to two Melbourne greats - the fabulous South Melbourne Market …. and SBS's Rockwiz.
Brighton is further out and posher than St Kilda, but also on the coast. The beaches here are lovely on a sunny day and its home to an array of fancy cafes. It is famous for its picture perfect, brightly coloured beach houses.
Richmond hosts many of Melbourne's Vietnamese and Thai communities, and as such has a dearth of great restaurants with some of the best South East Asian food outside of South East Asia. I'm sure there is a lot more to this lovely Eastern suburb, but we went there for the food (I know unusual for us).
Fitzroy and Collingwood are clearly the coolest suburbs in Melbourne, and host the best nightlife. Smith Street and Brunswick streets have a grungy edge to them, and great pubs on every corner. This is also the place to get your ultimate op shop bargins – its all about the vintage in this part of Melbourne.
Carlton, home to Melbourne's Italian community, is rich with gelati, pizzerias and tales of the Mafia. Lygon Street I the many drag here and whilst many of the Italian restaurants on this stretch kick out below average Italian food (and I'm told some are still home to Mafioso), the atmosphere and the coffee are fab all the same. It is also home to Melbourne university and Melbourne museum.
Carlton North (Rathdowne Village) was by far our favourite suburb, but of course we our biased, was our home for our time in Melbourne. A stretch of quiet, leafy roads with typically Melbourne victorian houses decorated in intricated wood and wrought iron fronted shops. This area is swimming in great cafes, great pubs and great people. The “village” also has an excellent post office and library! (LM)
5. Being in touching distance of glorious scenery
Its almost impossible to fit five months of greatest hits into two blogs. Even more so if you spend much of that time boring people with all the food you liked to eat and places to hang out in. So I will try to keep this brief in an attempt to bring our blog up to date.
Melbourne is clearly a fantastic city to hang out in – but its also located in spitting distance of some real magic. Here is a list of our favourite trips out. We'll let the pictures do the talking...
Puffing Billy and the Dandenongs
We took a Easter trip out to the Dandenong mountain ranges, as well as enjoying the countryside you can get there by the Puffing Billy Steam train.
The Yarra Valley and the Wineries
The Yarra Valley is one of the most scenic localities near Melbourne made all the better as a day trip by its selection of world class wineries. We had a magic and fantastic trip round a good few of these wineries (and having a good few glasses of wine) with Chris and Pauline one lovely Sunday. We also fit in a trip to a gallery!
Healesville and Healesville Sanctuary
Healesville is the main town in the Yarra Valley and it is a lovely day trip in itself. We did two trips there. Once, by public transport, to eat and be merry with Bernie and Dee in the local pub and in Giant Steps winery, and a second time to visit the amazing Healesville animal sanctuary.
Philip Island
We stayed overnight on the lovely Philip Island for Luke's birthday, which is famous for its little penguins. The trip highlights for us however, was seeing koalas for the first time in the koala reservation and seeing an echidna in the wild!
The Great Ocean Road
Back on the road in a campervan, we drove down the great ocean road in Victoria's winter bank holiday weekend and enjoyed the breath taking and rugged coastline. Highlights of the weekend included seeing koalas and kangaroos in the wild and seeing a particularly famous light house.
Ramsey Street
No stay in Melbourne is complete without a visit to the one and only Ramsey Street. Not only can you get your picture taken in the street where Charlene, Scott, Lou and Harold (to name but a few) have all stood, but you can film your own scenes from the street! Watch this space for our Oscar winning attempts! (LM)
Until next time, stay warm,
Luke and Louise
Posted by Louise and Luke.
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