Thursday 27 November 2008

Seven Nation Army

DSC01710, originally uploaded by Louise and Luke.

After our fantastic Trans Mongolian train trip, including the sumptuously wonderful final First Class leg from Mongolia to Beijing, the 'hard sleeper' trains in China took a bit of getting used to. Still, after telling ourselves that it could be worse and thanking several Gods that there was no livestock in our carriage, we hunkered down and actually ended up quite enjoying the 16 hour trip to Xi'an. The fact that we were travelling overnight probably helped a fair bit, too...

Xi'an itself is a fairly average city with way above average smog problem, even by Chinese standards. The centre has a decent array of shops, and an even more impressive range of beggars and vagrants jostling for your attention. There are some nifty things to do and see, though, with the Muslim Quarter providing some memorable sights, sounds and smells, a fantastic light and water show opposite the Small Goose Pagoda every night and a Bell Tower and Drum Tower that look suitably imposing. Top tip, though, is to jump on a bike and cycle the 17 kilometres (actually can't believe I'm typing this) along the high city wall that still encases old Xi'an. Great fun and great sights, made all the better if you manage to hire a bike with brakes, which is never a given in China. Fun when you get to see the fat Americans crashing, not so much fun when it happens to you...

The main reason for a visit to Xi'an, however, is for its close proximity to the famed Terracotta Army. An hour or so away by bus, they are truly spectacular. Though in varying states of repair thanks to age and Dynastic pillaging (and, one suspects, slightly shit Chinese excavation), they are a wonder to behold, not only fulfilling expectations but exceeding them. The locals refer to them as "the eighth Wonder of the World", and they could have a point. Take a look at the pics to see them in their full glory.

Next up, Shanghai.

Stay Warm,

Luke and Louise

(Posted by Luke)


  1. Well jealous you got to see the terracotta army...Glad to hear the trip continues to go well...have fun with Chris next week!

  2. Luke & Louise,

    Hope you are well. Nice to hear more of your travels. As I said to Bindey earlier, I'm getting no further than fecking Llantrisant this weekend, so someone may as well have all the fun.

    Will raise a glass to you both at Juno. All well here apart from the usual.

    Take care,

