Monday 22 November 2010

Once in a lifetime (Part Two)

The night before the final push to Machu Pichu, and the excitement was building at camp. I was so exhausted and anxious, I paid four quid for a Coke and a Snickers.

We also figured that our loyal reader(s) might get a bit sick of our bits to camera. As a result, we extended the same courtesy - and lavish production values - to a few of our travelling companions. As such we give you, without further ado, Dave ´I´m a bloody natural at this´ Davies. Apologies to those hardy souls who didn't make the cut - it was purely a matter of bandwidth. We´ll get them up at some point, if only because Lou´s such a pro with the questions...

Next up is our favourite clip - Louise speaking to amazing porter and all-round top bloke, Rufino. Not only does he do a job that would make most men cry tears of blood and fury, but he´s also a natural on camera. Here you go:

After a short and fitfull sleep, we rose at 3am to get to the front of the queue for the final burst to Machu Pichu. Here I am, getting all Blair Witch for your benefit:

After finally getting to the sacred city, we were both so delighted, knackered and in need of sugar that we totally forgot to do a video. We were also keen to take a shed load of photos before the train loads of fat Americans, with stupid hats and even stupider questions, arrived to spoil it all. So here´s Louise a few hours after we arrived:

And that was that - there was nothing more to say. Of course, that didn´t stop us trying. So here´s Louise and I in our first, and quite possibly only, ever joint piece to camera. I´m doing the slightly less patronising Richard, Lou´s rocking a more sober Judy. Suffice to say, it´s an utter sodding shambles. Thanks to Jen for capturing it all for posterity.

And there goes our first foray into the world of video blogging. Hope you enjoyed it - it took long enough to upload...

See you in Bolivia,

Luke and Louise



  1. If someone was to ask me if I have really enjoyed reading (and latterly also watching) your adventures, I would have to totally agree with Louise - aka Judy - and simply say "I have indeed!"

  2. Karin Smyth said:

    lovin' the videos - we have showers in Bristol every day so trying not to feel envious. lots of love to you both
